Tuossa tuli kutsu häihin puolaan. Morsiammen vanhemmilla olisi joku maatalon tyylinen asumisratkaisu, no ainakin niillä on kuulemma kanoja. Eiköhän noilla lääneillä ole kuitenkin ollut äksöniä jo vuosituhansia.
Onkos kellään mitään konkreetista tietoa miten puolalaiset suhtautuvat metallinetsintään, lähinnä lain puolesta tietenkin?
Piippailu puolassa?
Piippailu puolassa?
Ihminen on omien ajatustensa vanki.
Mud Menin viime viikon jaksossa piippailevat Puolassa, on nauhalla. Yritän katsoa sen vielä tänään niin kerron jos sieltä selviää jotain. Kyseinen pätkä voi tietty pienellä etsimisellä löytää netistä.
http://www.history.co.uk/shows/mud-men/ ... ies-2.html
"It is not illegal to walk around with metal detector but it is not legal to dig.
According to law all you'd dig out belongs to state.
Selling archaeological treasures - sentence up to 5 years"
"metal detecting is legal
ANYTHING you find belongs (by law) to the government. in fact anything below ground level (minerals and all) belongs to the government
If you find a treasure it DEFINETLY belongs to the government and you’d better be ready to explain everything to the state prosecutor (like try PROVING that you declared everything you found). THIS IS NOT A JOKE
This counts double for anything even remotely ressembling a weapon manufactured after 1850
Bear also in mind that in the last century we had a war in 1914-1918; 1919-1920 and 1939-1945. There are gazilions of unexploded shells still not accounted for and hardly a day passes without the press reporting “construction site evacuated due to unexploded ww1/ ww2 bomb”
Just to cheer you up a bit- the chemical warheads (ww1 and ww2 vintage) are also there, and many are in good working condition.
So definetly come, but try and photo every find (archeology laws) and carefully check what you found before you use a pick axe to dig"
http://www.history.co.uk/shows/mud-men/ ... ies-2.html
"It is not illegal to walk around with metal detector but it is not legal to dig.
According to law all you'd dig out belongs to state.
Selling archaeological treasures - sentence up to 5 years"
"metal detecting is legal
ANYTHING you find belongs (by law) to the government. in fact anything below ground level (minerals and all) belongs to the government
If you find a treasure it DEFINETLY belongs to the government and you’d better be ready to explain everything to the state prosecutor (like try PROVING that you declared everything you found). THIS IS NOT A JOKE
This counts double for anything even remotely ressembling a weapon manufactured after 1850
Bear also in mind that in the last century we had a war in 1914-1918; 1919-1920 and 1939-1945. There are gazilions of unexploded shells still not accounted for and hardly a day passes without the press reporting “construction site evacuated due to unexploded ww1/ ww2 bomb”
Just to cheer you up a bit- the chemical warheads (ww1 and ww2 vintage) are also there, and many are in good working condition.
So definetly come, but try and photo every find (archeology laws) and carefully check what you found before you use a pick axe to dig"
Joo´op, varmaan kannattaa kaivella vaan tosi kirkkaat saundit, tuskin ne hopeasta ovat pommeja rakentaneet Ei vaan, ei ole leikin asia, ei. Todennäköisyyden lakien mukaan joku joskus sen viimesen pomminsa kuitenkin löytää
Niin, onkohan tämä nyt iloisempi asia, mutta google maps:ista kattelin satelliittiikuvia juhlapaikan ympäristöstä ja sehän on ku pohjammaata, kilometri tolkulla peltoo pellon perään, ja sitten ei pääse piipparoimaan
Niin, onkohan tämä nyt iloisempi asia, mutta google maps:ista kattelin satelliittiikuvia juhlapaikan ympäristöstä ja sehän on ku pohjammaata, kilometri tolkulla peltoo pellon perään, ja sitten ei pääse piipparoimaan
Ihminen on omien ajatustensa vanki.